What is a Veneer?
If your teeth have stains, chipped edges, gaps between them, or are not aligned correctly, veneers can be a good solution. They look like natural teeth and don't require a very invasive procedure. The best results are achieved when your teeth are well aligned with healthy teeth, gums and bone. If your teeth are very misaligned or the gaps between them are too large, braces may be needed before placing veneers. If braces are not an option, mild misalignment and small gaps may still be corrected. If one tooth is slightly out of position, a veneer can sometimes be fitted to bring it into line with the others. Here is how they work:
A veneer is a very thin, tooth-coloured piece of porcelain (like a fake finger nail, but stronger) that is chemically adhered on top of your tooth. According to your requirements, the shape and size of the veneers can be designed to make your teeth overall look longer and or closer together. You can have just one veneer fitted or a whole set, depending on what you need.
A veneer is a very thin, tooth-coloured piece of porcelain (like a fake finger nail, but stronger) that is chemically adhered on top of your tooth. According to your requirements, the shape and size of the veneers can be designed to make your teeth overall look longer and or closer together. You can have just one veneer fitted or a whole set, depending on what you need.
What are Crowns?
Crowns are made of the same or similar materials to veneers but is a more invasive dental restoration. They are used to fix teeth that have been broken, worn, weakened by decay or already have a large filling. Crowns could be a good treatment option for you if you have large discoloured fillings and would like to improve their appearance. Crowns can be used to replace these to give you a more attractive smile. Additionally, if you have had root canal treatment your tooth will now be weaker. You will need a crown to protect the tooth from breaking, allowing you to eat and bite down as if it were a natural healthy tooth. If you already have crowns, they may not be giving you the look you would like. Some crown materials develop unsightly dark margins near the gum line after a long period and sometimes even decay. This can be solved by replacement with new tooth coloured ceramic crowns.
Both a crown and a veneer are made in the dental laboratory by a master ceramist technician who hand makes each piece to give you your bespoke smile. Your tooth will often need drilling to allow the crown or veneer to fit your tooth well.
Both a crown and a veneer are made in the dental laboratory by a master ceramist technician who hand makes each piece to give you your bespoke smile. Your tooth will often need drilling to allow the crown or veneer to fit your tooth well.
What are Bridges?
Bridges area a fixed solution to a missing tooth. If you have lost a tooth due to decay, breakage, infection or accidents, the gap left can be problematic for both your function and appearance. To restore the space, a ceramic tooth can be made in a dental laboratory by the ceramist. They use photos and moulds of your mouth to design your new tooth to match the shade and shape of your other teeth. This new tooth is held in place by attachment to either 1 or 2 teeth either side of the gap. Sometimes this requires no drilling to your natural teeth at all. This is more likely when replacing a front tooth. If you are replacing a back tooth which has more biting forces on it, it needs to be held in by being attached to a crown on one of your natural teeth. This is only a suitable option if the teeth either side of the space either already have a crown or have a large filling. This is to prevent drilling a whoel healthy tooth.